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Christian Wedding Ceremony – 10 Most Common Traditions for the Couples and the Guests

Christian Wedding Ceremony – 10 Most Common Traditions for the Couples and the Guests

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When you think of a Christian wedding, what is the first thing that pops in your head? A bride dressed beautifully in a white gown, the groom reciting his vows, gorgeous bridesmaids, and elegant floral décor. But, Christian weddings are way more than what we think. The ceremonies are shorter than that of traditional Hindu weddings and they are an amalgamation of Indian and western traditions. The ceremonies are so beautiful that some of them are now being incorporated in Hindu weddings as well (Thanks to Bollywood celebs)

Whether you are planning to attend a Christian wedding or going to be an integral part of the wedding planning, it is essential that you are well versed in what goes on at a Christian wedding. Here are the 10 most common traditions you’ll get to witness at a Christian wedding.

1. The Bridal Shower

This custom is now celebrated by most of the brides these days, regardless of their faith. But for a Christian bride, the bridal shower is literally where she is showered with gifts, blessings, and love. This is an informal party hosted by her girlfriends. This girls-only event involves games, dancing and the bride is showered with gifts by her friends and relatives. So Bridesmaids, put your wedding planning cap on and get started with this fiesta.

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2. The Bachelor’s Party

Just like the bridal shower, the bachelor’s party is organized by the groomsmen. Unlike the bridal shower which is held weeks before the wedding, the bachelor’s party is held on the eve of the wedding with the belief that it is the groom’s last night to celebrate his bachelorhood. as a bachelor that begins with raising a toast. Best Man, now you know what your role in wedding planning for your best friend is going to be.

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3. Welcoming the Bride

On the morning of the wedding, the groom sends a car to pick up the bride. Upon her arrival, she is welcomed by the best man with a bouquet of flowers. The groom then enters the chapel and waits for the bride. The bride is then escorted down the aisle by her father. The bride’s father gives the bride’s hand to the groom and this is called ‘giving away the bride.’ The couple then stands opposite to the priest after which the Christian wedding mass begins. If you are eyeing for a grand entrance, get inspired from wedding planning ideas we share in our Instagram every day!

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4. The Wedding Mass

At the Christian wedding mass, the priest pronounces the testaments from the Bible and explains the rituals and religious significance of marriage. Post this, the church choir and the guests sing the prayers blessing the couple. 

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5. The Vows

A ceremony that is practiced by most of the religions in different forms, exchanging vows is the most important ritual at a Christian wedding. The vows are written by the priest or by the couple. The couple often holds hands while exchanging vows. These vows include promises made by the bride and the groom to love, respect and take care of each other. Write down all the things that matter to you, big or small, because that’s the recipe of a tear-jerker vow that will touch every heart and soul in that room. Make sure you do that way before wedding planning begins because everybody knows there is never enough time to write down the vows.

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6. Bridal Veil

Just like brides in Hindu weddings, brides in a Christian wedding also wear a veil. Opening the bridal veil is one of the crucial moments in a Christian wedding. This event symbolizes the purity of the bride and her reverence for God. According to religious references, it symbolizes that, ‘Before the bridal veil, the bride lives as an individual. After opening the bridal veil, the bride will live as one with the groom.’ Post this, the priest tells the groom to kiss the bride, which symbolizes that the bride and groom are now officially married. 

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7. Throwing off the bouquet

You must have seen in movies, that the bride at a Christian wedding throws the bouquet in her hand towards the crowd without turning back. It is believed that the girl who gets the flower bouquet gets married next. This ritual is similar to the kalire ceremony in a Punjabi wedding. Now that you have pulled off a successful wedding ceremony, let’s see who’s going to be the next one in line for you to share all that wisdom with.

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8. Rice Toss

As the couple exits the ceremony, guests gather around and shower them with rice which is a symbolic wish to the just-married couple for a life of prosperity and fruitfulness. During the ancient times at a Christian wedding, this meant blessing them with many children. You can worry about children later :p, but first things first, a perfect wedding planning!

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9. Wedding Toast

The Christian wedding ceremony is followed by a formal reception where the friends and family members gather to celebrate the marriage of the newlywed couple. During the reception, a ritual of giving wedding toast takes place. In this the family members and friends raise a toast to wish them a happy married life.

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10. First Dance

Post the toast, the couple at a Christian wedding head to the dance floor for their first dance as a married couple. They choose a song that is important to their relationship and bond. Don’t forget to add this one to your wedding planning to-do list.

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This was our take on what you should expect in a Christian wedding as a guest if you are invited to one. And yes, put that white dress back in the closet because the only one who is going to wear white that day is our beloved bride. If you are hosting your own wedding as a couple and feeling overwhelmed with all the wedding planning, let Weddingz.in take a few things off your plate. Whether you need help finding the wedding venue of your dreams or wedding planning services such as catering, décor, or anything even remotely related with wedding, grab your phone and give us a call today!

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